About UsMind & Body Acupuncture offers specialized care in the management of pain and stress relief. Through use of our acupuncture, massage and cupping techniques we can ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved with your treatment. Whether you suffer from acute or chronic pain, at Mind & Body Acupuncture, we can always find a better alternative.
If you are looking for a natural alternative to taking pain medication, Mind & Body Acupuncture can help provide a solution. More often than not, people tend to accept their pain as something that just exists therefore they can't do much about it. By getting to know each patients specific condition, we can come up with a management plan that is both realistic and achievable. Stress and pain are a part of everyday life, don't let it get in the way of doing the things you love. Come in and see us or contact us to find out how we can improve your condition. |
James Sunwoo
Tcm Practitioner
James completed his Traditional Chinese Medicine studies at UTS which included an international clinical internship in China at the China Japan friendship hospital. James has always had a special interest in treating and managing musculoskeletal pain. Being such a common complaint from patients, James was particularly interested in the way acupuncture could be used to treat pain as well as manage chronic pain without the use of strong medications on the body. James is also interested in stress relief and the treatment of sports injuries. In his spare time James enjoys playing golf and reading.
- Bachelor of Health Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine (University of Technology, Sydney)
- Clinical Internship Certificate (Beijing, China)
- Member of AACMA (Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association)
- Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner with AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency)