Frequently Asked Questions
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of traditional medicine, with a history dating over 2500 years. Acupuncture revolves around the theory of energetic pathways in the body. When these pathways or channels are balanced and in harmony, the body will be in a healthy state. Needles are used to stimulate specific points along these channels which promote balance and well-being in the body.
Is it painful?
Acupuncture is usually a pain free procedure when performed by a qualified practitioner. There are some points of the body that may be more sensitive than others however in general, patients will feel very little or no pain.
Are there any risks?
There are very few risks when receiving acupuncture from a qualified professional. Acupuncture is usually a safe procedure with little side effects. All needles used are sterile and are single use which ensures minimal risk of infection. From time to time there may be minimal bleeding and slight bruising from the needling.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of sessions required will vary from patient to patient depending also on the condition being treated. Chronic conditions will generally require more treatments than acute conditions. Patients will be advised by the practitioner on the best treatment plan to achieve the desired results.
How long does a treatment take?
Treatment times vary depending on the type of condition. However an initial visit will usually take approximately 60 minutes with subsequent treatments usually taking approximately 40 minutes.
What qualifications do acupuncturists require?
To be an acupuncturist in Australia one must be registered with the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA) and the (AHPRA). There are a number of strict regulations in place to ensure that only qualified professionals can call themselves acupuncturists.
Is acupuncture safe on children?
Yes, it is safe for children to receive acupuncture. Children often respond better to treatments than adults, with fewer treatments being required.
How deep are needles inserted?
Needles are inserted at different depths depending on the specific acupuncture point being needled. The depth of insertion can vary anywhere between a few millimetres to a few centimetres. Qualified acupuncturists must have a thorough knowledge of the human anatomy therefore needles are always inserted at a safe depth.
What conditions do you treat?
At Mind & Body Acupuncture, we focus on pain management and stress relief. We treat conditions of musculoskeletal pain whether chronic or acute. These conditions are treated with the use of acupuncture, massage, and cupping.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of traditional medicine, with a history dating over 2500 years. Acupuncture revolves around the theory of energetic pathways in the body. When these pathways or channels are balanced and in harmony, the body will be in a healthy state. Needles are used to stimulate specific points along these channels which promote balance and well-being in the body.
Is it painful?
Acupuncture is usually a pain free procedure when performed by a qualified practitioner. There are some points of the body that may be more sensitive than others however in general, patients will feel very little or no pain.
Are there any risks?
There are very few risks when receiving acupuncture from a qualified professional. Acupuncture is usually a safe procedure with little side effects. All needles used are sterile and are single use which ensures minimal risk of infection. From time to time there may be minimal bleeding and slight bruising from the needling.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of sessions required will vary from patient to patient depending also on the condition being treated. Chronic conditions will generally require more treatments than acute conditions. Patients will be advised by the practitioner on the best treatment plan to achieve the desired results.
How long does a treatment take?
Treatment times vary depending on the type of condition. However an initial visit will usually take approximately 60 minutes with subsequent treatments usually taking approximately 40 minutes.
What qualifications do acupuncturists require?
To be an acupuncturist in Australia one must be registered with the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA) and the (AHPRA). There are a number of strict regulations in place to ensure that only qualified professionals can call themselves acupuncturists.
Is acupuncture safe on children?
Yes, it is safe for children to receive acupuncture. Children often respond better to treatments than adults, with fewer treatments being required.
How deep are needles inserted?
Needles are inserted at different depths depending on the specific acupuncture point being needled. The depth of insertion can vary anywhere between a few millimetres to a few centimetres. Qualified acupuncturists must have a thorough knowledge of the human anatomy therefore needles are always inserted at a safe depth.
What conditions do you treat?
At Mind & Body Acupuncture, we focus on pain management and stress relief. We treat conditions of musculoskeletal pain whether chronic or acute. These conditions are treated with the use of acupuncture, massage, and cupping.
Shop 3/126 Ashford Avenue, Milperra NSW 2214
T: (02) 9774 3388 |
Mind & Body Acupuncture. |
Mind & Body Acupuncture - Pain Management Clinic